M.Sc. Thesis Defense Process:
Usually, the next process takes 2-3 Months. So, plan ahead to avoid any delays. The process is as follows:
- Reserve a hall on campus from the Postgraduate office secretary (Mr. Mohammed Atta) to conduct the second Thesis seminar. In this seminar, you will present your research work results. Fill in Seminar-2 Request Paper and get it signed from your supervisors.
- After the seminar, complete Seminar-2 Completion paper, Proposed Defense Committee paper, Thesis defense validity paper, and provide them along with three copies of your Thesis and your published paper(s) to the Department Administrator (Madam Khadiga). These papers will be submitted to the Postgraduate studies office, as well as being discussed in the nearest department ِِmeeting held on the last Monday of every month.
- Once the department Board reviews and accepts papers, your paperwork, it will be directed to the nearest Postgraduate Board and Faculty Board. Afterwards, it will be directed to the University Vice President for a final endorsement.
- Once your documents are return to the Postgraduate office, you will have to send your thesis to the examination committee members.
- Every examiner is asked to write a brief report about the thesis and send it to the faculty by mail or email. About approx. two weeks of receiving the examiners' reports, you will be able to hold the thesis defense.
- Reserve a hall on campus from the Postgraduate office secretary (Mr. Mohammed Atta) to conduct the Thesis Defense.
- After the defense, a collective report (Collective Report Template) from the examination committee is requested to be submitted along with Awarding Document-1 and Awarding Document-2 to the Department Administrator (Madam Khadigga).