If you want to efficiently utilize your time in the summer vacation; If you want to gain some experience that you will never forget, and acquire new skills that are really critical for your career success and to prepare yourself for the professional work environment; If you want to gain confidence in your self as an independent engineer that can solve whatever problems that come along....... We're inviting you to join us in this year ASU Summer Practical Training. Theme: The theme this year is to develop a "Smart University System". Under this theme there will be many small to medium scale components/projects in which you'll form groups to think, plan, research, design, and implement. These groups will be developing gadgets, platforms, desktop/mobile applications and systems to automate, control and improve the services provided by the University to its students and teaching staff. You will be working hard to turn your project idea into reality under the supervision and mentorship of powerful mentors (industry professionals, professors and TAs) that will guide you through your project. The different components/projects within this theme targets students from both the mainstream and CHEP programs that are studying the following fields:
Program Details
Prizes/Awards All projects in this program will be evaluated by the mentoring staff and the best projects will be awarded valuable prizes from our sponsors. The prizes will be announced soon. Eligibility:
If you are interested, please fill in this application form |